Tuesday, May 22, 2012

IF: Sight

Finally! Got around to actually doing another one of these themes.
This one is based off when I was 7 or 8 when I got glasses for the first time and being unable to see distance, it was an amazing sight to be able to see leaves in detail far away. It was almost as amazing as that time I could read the "Do not park, Fire line" in parking lots.

Was playing around with coloring. I haven't really nailed down a style for coloring in photoshop yet but I like playing around.

When I finally get my scanner working, I'll have sketches to show.

Have a nice rest of the week!

Illustration Friday.


  1. Ha ha! I'm nearsighted too! Cute illo!

  2. Great concept! I'm opposite - need glasses for close up detail... ;D

    1. Thanks. I always wonder what it would be like far-sighted, it has always been a curiosity of mine to try and understand that some people can't see close to them but see details far away.
